Siri Shortcuts
Create custom commands by combining them into powerful command chains. For example: "Reboot All Servers"
Remote power control
A user-friendly utility for iOS and watchOS that allows you to power on, shut down, manage your PC’s power, check host status, and supports Siri Shortcuts
Complete power control
Turn on, shut down, restart, and put your computer to sleep via a local network or the Internet for access to your device from anywhere in the world.
Siri Shortcuts
Create custom commands by combining them into powerful command chains. For example: "Reboot All Servers"
Host monitoring
Monitor the status of hosts using ping or HTTP to ensure they are online and ready for use. Get real-time updates and stay in control of your network effortlessly.
"I have been using the app for years and it just works flawlessly once set up correctly. The additional server application is making remote controlling my PCs way easier than it used to be. The newest update gives it a fresh coat of paint without changing any of the core features. I absolutely recommend it to anyone looking for WOL and more."
"Die App ist echt der Hammer. Anleitung nur genau lesen, dann ist alle in maximal ner halben Stunde eingerichtet. Pc lässt sich aus allen modis starten: Energiesparmodus Ruhemodus Selbst bei Pc ausschalten. Einfach in die app und auf aufwecken klicken, sofort fährt er hoch. Bis jetzt nur noch nicht übers Internet getestet nur im Heimnetzwerk da die portfreigabe bei meiner connectbox bisschen doof ist! :)"
"非常实用的APP,虽然要8元人名币,但是作为一个上班族来说可能还不够一顿早餐钱,而且APP 带来的便利性也值8元。虽然也有免费可以正常使用的WOL,但是就冲它有中文就得给好评,主要是APP 非常喜欢,没有遇到过无法广域网启动主机的问题,如果关机之后,时间等的比较长,之后无法唤醒主机请在Windows10设置-电源-其他电源设置-选择电源按钮的功能-更改当前不可用的设置-关闭启用快速启动,该功能有可能会造成关机时间较长后无法唤醒电脑"
"KT 를 메인으로 쓰면서 아이피타임으로 확장 물리니까 충돌때문에 이리 저리 돌려서 쓰긴 하는데 외부 연결이 드럽게 안되서 포기하고 있었는데 3300원 속는샘 치고 다운 받아보자 하고 했는데 왜인지 다른 어플들 다 안되는데 이건 된다… 키고 끄고 다시시작 절전 다 잘되네…. 충격이다…. 너무 감사합니다. 꺼지기는 하는데 안켜져서 메일 보냈었는데 중복으로 포트 잡혔었네요 해결 완료!"
"Это приложение дало все, что необходимо, и даже больше. Сервис на компе просто прелесть, даже какого либо интерфейса нет, совсем, ни чего лишнего) Немного не хватает инструкций по работе с доп функциями, в остальном идеально) И можно пожалуйста добавить виджеты, было бы вообще круто"